Ep #256: Your Referral Ecosystem

Ep #256: Your Referral Ecosystem

Imagine your business as a thriving ecosystem, where every part of it works together to create a sustainable environment for growth. Your referrals work the same way within a referral ecosystem. Many teach there is one way to generate referrals (you know it, the tired and awkward suggestion to “ask for them”). But we know…

The Roots of Your Referral Relationships

Ep #249: The Roots of Your Referral Relationships

The roots of a relationship are crucial for growth. It’s not enough to have surface-level connections with potential referral sources. Instead, the focus should be on building deep and long-lasting relationships that cultivate trust and consistency. In this episode, I challenge the common tactics used in referral-based business growth, including asking, compensating, and gimmicks. These tactics can damage…

Ep #246: Applying KISS to Referrals

Ep #246: Applying KISS to Referrals

Have you ever heard the saying, “Complexity is the enemy of growth”? When it comes to building a referral-based business, this couldn’t be more true. That’s why, in this episode, we’re going to talk about applying the KISS method to your referral strategies to keep things simple.  Now, I know what you’re thinking: How can…

Ep #240: Referral Q&A

Ep #240: Referral Q&A

Every 10th episode, I answer your questions, and today isn’t any different. I will be selecting three questions from my clients, my free Facebook community, Referrals Without Asking, or you (the listeners), and will be answering them to the best of my ability. In this episode, we will cover everything from referral strategies to nurturing…

Ep #238: Must Have Referral Strategies

Ep #238: Must Have Referral Strategies

There are many strategies that I teach every day because they’re the foundational strategies you need in your business. Those three foundational strategies consist of having a referable client experience, a strategy where you can generate referrals from your existing referral sources, and a strategy for turning new folks into referral sources. But we know…