Ep #301: Swimming Against the Stream with Referrals

Ep #301: Swimming Against the Stream with Referrals

Just because something appears to be true, and everyone goes along with it, doesn’t mean it makes sense. In this episode, we explore the misconceptions surrounding referrals and how understanding human behavior can revolutionize your referral strategy. Here are three key takeaways from the episode: Referrals Aren’t About You: When someone refers a potential client…

Ep #300: Let’s Celebrate Hitting Episode 300!

Ep #300: Let’s Celebrate Hitting Episode 300!

We are celebrating our 300th episode of the Roadmap to Referrals podcast! In this special episode, I reflect on the incredible journey we’ve been on together and share 13 valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way. Below are three of the lessons from this milestone episode: The Power of Connectivity: I’ve discovered the unique connection…

Ep #298: Growing Through Referrals

Ep #298: Growing Through Referrals

Referrals play an important role in sustaining a business, especially in challenging market conditions. This episode showcases the success of Melissa Herdman, a real estate agent who has experienced significant referral growth by implementing strategies she’s learned in BRB. Despite facing industry shifts, Melissa consistently receives a high volume of referrals each year. After working…

Ep #297: Referral Experience vs Client Experience

Ep #297: Referral Experience vs Client Experience

When developing a referral strategy, it is crucial to differentiate between the client experience and the referral experience. While the client experience may include moments where referrals can be generated, the referral experience is specifically targeted at existing referral sources. To effectively build a referral strategy, it is necessary to categorize individuals into three groups:…

Ep #296: Leveraging Referrals in Unique Ways

Ep #296: Leveraging Referrals in Unique Ways

While I often teach specific referral strategies, other opportunities may arise in your business that can be used to generate referrals. By applying what I call the “Stacey lens” to these situations, you can identify these opportunities and create a referral-focused approach. Some examples of these unique opportunities are launching a new website, hitting a…

Ep #295: Must Have Referral Strategies This Year

Ep #295: Must Have Referral Strategies This Year

As we enter a new year, it’s crucial to adapt our referral strategies to the current business environment. In this episode, we explore ways businesses are shifting in 2024 and how to leverage your referral opportunities effectively. Here are three key referral strategies and a bonus tip to maximize your referral potential. Strategy #1: Communicating…

Ep #273: My Leads Framework

Ep #273: My Leads Framework

Do you know how to avoid the rocking horse syndrome inside your business? By having the right leads framework. Every day as a business owner you make a multitude of decisions. From mundane ones to important ones. Little ones to big ones. Some decisions are inconsequently to the growth of your company. But the decisions…